

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I'm on a roll, of confusion. January accuses me of being unfocused, and one of the Canadians likes it, I'm not sure which Canadian, obviously That One and The Other One are messing with me.

The Plastic Diet is still a pain, but we are learning some things. Homemade sour cream and buttermilk biscuits are better than not homemade ones. The Comma Editor is going to try English Muffins, which I think could  go either way really. Doesn't that seem hard? But it has to be tried since we can't figure out how to get around buying them without a plastic bag. So far all the things we have made, and by "we" I mean the Comma Editor, have been better than manufactured.

I have a problem with eating breakfast at home when I'm working. It kind of seems odd now that I see it in print, but I'm not making enough for a therapist so we are just living with it. Anyway, I eat in the car on the way, therefore I need a method of holding my food together. I've used English muffins up to now, but the homemade biscuits are better than factory English muffins. I haven't had the homemade English muffins yet, don't worry I'll keep you posted. I already knew about the homemade buttermilk biscuits being better of course, I'm not not Martha Stewart. But I admit I did not know you could make sour cream out of cream and sour.

The other night I was sitting around the place with my feet on the footstool, and noticed once again that my feet are all dried out. (The Comma Editor hates my feet. I can have all the pedicures I want as long as he gets to stay out of it.)  As I sometimes do, I said to myself  "What would Jesus do?" I'm not very religious, but the one thing the Catholics didn't ruin for me is the concept of Jesus being a good guy. I was started out with the Old Testament and the hair shirts and whatnot, we ran out of Catholic school money before I got to the non-scary part of Christianity.

The "anoint the feet with oil" popped into my head. (That is straight out of the Bible, I'm almost positive. I think Mary Magdalene was tangled up in it somehow.) I don't really know what anoint means, I'm thinking rub. Anyway I usually use suntan oil, which works fine, but it comes in a plastic bottle, of course, and I ran out a month or more ago. I was mulling it over and realized that Jesus was in the Jerusalem area and what grows there? Olives! And what do we make out of olives? Tapenade, I know, but try to focus. Olive oil is the correct answer.

 All you have to do is get some, rub it on and you're done. It's fabulous! Why one wonders, would I pay eight dollars for a bottle of suntan oil, when I can use a twelve dollar bottle of olive oil? I'd rather wear it than eat it too, so that's a bonus.

Here comes the . . .


We were at the hippy grocery store that sells bulk dish washing detergent and other liquid things, the dish washing liquid seemed really expensive, because we are used to paying $1.69 for a 16 oz bottle more or less, and the hippy stuff is about $6.00. What we need to mull over is that perhaps we will value the more expensive product and waste less. I know this, and I know it isn't an original thought, yet I have to remind myself over and over. Cheap is not the same as good. And furthermore, maybe sometimes none is better. I know, I know. Pinko Commie.

This is here to keep the Canadians attention.
They like pictures.

Business schools teach that we have to sell each other stuff or we will perish from an economic meltdown, but it's starting to look a little bit like we may perish from an environmental one first. Or dead heat.

The hall of shame plastic picture will be published next week, we did pretty well I think. We have learned that plastic shows up when you least expect it. We have seriously agonized over how to avoid it, and still been blindsided. Straws in drinks? Dammit. Vegetarians understand this, when food comes with bacon bits on it, it's maddening. Who the hell does that??  You don't tell them not to because it never occurs to you that one would put a plastic thing in, or a bacon bit on. And the bacon bit people and the plastic people think they are doing you a favor. But they aren't.

OK enough of the PREACHY BIT,  we move on to the. . .


The Hard Rock opened a place in Seattle a few months ago.

Do Not Go There
We went in because it is close to where we were walking around, near the Market, (International Readers The Pike Place Market is the best part of Seattle, Google it) and we thought we would check it out. Jesus God.

Seriously, we were in there for an hour and a half, I told the Comma Editor finally that this must be what being in a minimum security prison is like. Not that unpleasant, but finally you just feel like you've done your time and want out. The service was abysmal, the food was abysmal. It was just foul. I always thought Arnold Schwarzenegger is kind of a not Rhodes Scholar, but divorcing himself from that mess took a couple of IQ points, although now that I think about it, it was probably his version of our Kirk that told him to bail.

Shame on me, I knew better than to go into a giant corporate place, instead of supporting a small Seattle one, and I got what I deserved.

Bacon bits. I asked for no bacon bits and I got...

Cold bacon bits.

In my quest for non plastic we ventured into a store that has all good stuff for the planet, looking for toilet paper. Well, the Comma Editor believes that it's made out of recycled plastic, but it isn't. It's made out of 80% post consumer paper. How bad that could be was a surprise.  I'm just saying that leaves would be a lateral move. And they are free.

A good thing, Roselator named this edition, and it's pretty apt. The part about the olive oil captured her attention.

This is late again, and it's full of Plastic Talk, the happy thing is you can't get fired from your own blog. HA!

Less Plastic next week, Canucks.

1 comment:

  1. Nice car! Also, it turns out we (January, Other January, Other Canadian and I) were at the game for Griffey's final at bat on Monday...kind of cool! Safeco Field apparently recycles or composts 76% of the garbage/plastic/paper which apparently is up from 38% in 2009. How's that for relating that story to the cause.
